Can I Wear Retainers After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Can I Wear Retainers After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Pulling out wisdom teeth can be a stressful experience. Can I Wear Retainers After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Generally speaking, you can wear the retainer 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction. The restoration of wisdom teeth cannot be completed in a short time! You can take some practical measures (and some things that need to be avoided) to make your recovery faster and more comfortable. As long as you follow these dentist approved tips, you will soon stand up and smile.

What is Wisdom Tooth?

Wisdom tooth is the third and last molar, located on the back of both sides of the upper and lower jaw. It is the last tooth to grow through the gums. They usually appear in the mouth when a person is in his teens or early twenties. This tooth often grows out without problem; However, sometimes, this tooth does not have enough space to sprout normally, and becomes “impaction”.

What Will Happen After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Knowing what will happen can eliminate many anxiety caused by postoperative care. Usually, one day after the operation, you may feel some pain and swelling around your eyes and cheeks. This swelling may worsen within 72 hours after surgery.

In order to reduce any discomfort and swelling, you can put an ice bag on your chin for 20 minutes; Then take it out for 20 minutes. You can repeat several times a day for the first 48 hours. (tip: if you don’t have ice bags, you can use plastic bags with zippers and crushed ice.) After 48 hours, ice therapy was no longer effective, so hot compress was used to relieve pain or swelling. After wisdom tooth extraction, there may be bleeding in the first few hours. From 2 to 3 hours after the operation, change the gauze at the surgical site every 30-60 minutes. Biting the gauze tightly helps to control bleeding. Continue this treatment until the bleeding stops. (if the bleeding does not stop or worsen, you should contact your dental team for treatment instructions.)

When Can I Wear Retainers After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

You can safely use the retainer within 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction; It does not interfere with the healing process. However, if you feel unwell, you can wait a few days or a week before using the retainer. However, it is best to start wearing retainers one day after the operation, because not wearing retainers may interfere with the treatment process.

At sporting smiles, our essix clear retainer helps prevent your teeth from returning to their natural state after wearing braces or other orthodontic work. Our retainers cover most of your teeth, but when making custom retainers, we deliberately do not include your wisdom teeth. The wisdom tooth retainer does not need to be too complicated, because we do not include the mold of wisdom teeth in the retainer, for the following reasons:

Your wisdom teeth are not completely pulled out of your gums. Unfortunately, when your wisdom teeth grow out, your IQ score will not increase. Wisdom teeth were originally used for the hardest raw meat, but because the human diet has changed, we no longer need them because our jaws and mouths have adapted. You can expect your wisdom teeth to appear between the ages of 17 and 21, which is the same time that most people receive or are completing orthodontics to straighten their teeth.

Our affordable online retainers do not include wisdom teeth because they are not completely out of your gum line. Sometimes, they are only 1-2mm higher than the gingival line. With wisdom tooth retainers, plastic will be placed on the top of the teeth rather than bite like other teeth. When wearing retainer, it will make the back of your mouth feel uncomfortable and loose. When the teeth have undercut, the retainer is easier to wear. Wisdom teeth usually have no undercut, so it is meaningless to fix them with retainers.

Are Retainers Harmful to the Extraction Site?

The surgical site is sensitive to touch after tooth extraction. Whether it’s solid food, sweet juice, tongue, fingers or anything else, you need to avoid any complex flavors that may inflame your mouth for at least a day or more to heal the wound. Speaking of retainers, because they cover your teeth and molars, if you wear them immediately after tooth extraction, they may cause some irritation to the surgical site. Therefore, it is best to wait at least one day after wisdom tooth extraction before wearing retainers.

Read More:

How to Fix From Not Wearing Retainer for a Month?

What About the Retainer Injury after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

If you pull out two or more wisdom teeth, you may feel irritation at the surgical site. If you wear a retainer, this stimulation may cause severe pain.

Massaging your cheeks with ice may help alleviate the pain.

If the retainer is still painful 2-3 days after tooth extraction, please find a surgeon to solve the problem as soon as possible.

When Can Invisalign Be Worn after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Invisalign is a retainer like dental appliance that should be avoided for at least 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction. You can consult your surgeon, because Invisalign works differently from the fixator, so a larger gap may be required after tooth extraction. If my wisdom teeth grow out, should I still wear retainers?

Wisdom teeth take several weeks to grow out completely. During growth, it may cause severe pain and other complications. If you feel pain or irritation when wearing the retainer, please consult your orthodontist and ask whether you should continue to wear the retainer.

If there is irritation when wearing the retainer, you can also ask the dentist to pull out your wisdom teeth.

Can my retainer work after wisdom teeth grow out? It depends on what kind of fixator you have and how much it touches the extraction site. It’s important to check your wisdom teeth to see if your chin has enough room for them. If you encounter any problems with retainer installation after tooth extraction, please visit your dentist to solve the problem.

How to Speed up the Rehabilitation after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Usually, wisdom teeth need two to four weeks to heal after extraction. To help with this process, you can do something important.

Keep your mouth clean – you can brush your teeth carefully on the night of the operation, but you should wait until the next day to gargle. Since then, mix a cup (8 ounces) of warm water with a teaspoon of salt and rinse gently at least 5 to 6 times a day, especially after meals.

Take medicine – use any painkillers prescribed by your doctor to control pain and maintain comfort. In addition, if your dentist prescribes antibiotics, be sure to take them in the doses outlined.

  • Use tea bags – tea contains tannic acid, which helps constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding. You can put a wet tea bag on the surgical site and bite it tightly for about 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rest more – it is important to avoid any physical activity in the first 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction. When resting, raise your head with some comfortable pillows and avoid sleeping on the same side of your body.
  • Return to normal hygiene habits – after the first 24 hours, you can return to normal brushing and flossing habits. Remember to avoid the surgical area. At this time, you can also continue to wear any orthodontic retainer you are using. If it causes discomfort, you can safely wait a week and start orthodontic treatment again.
  • Pay attention to your diet – first of all, we can eat some soft and slightly cold foods, such as milkshakes, ice cream, yogurt and pudding. You can gradually change to semi-solid food, such as warm soup, and then change to solid food in a few days. Here are some delicious and healthy recipes that can make your rest time more enjoyable!

What Not to Do after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Now, with our tips above, you can relax comfortably and recover well. You need to do something to avoid damaging the recovery process.

Do not use straws – it is important not to remove blood clots formed during wisdom tooth repair. During the first 24 hours, do not rinse your mouth, straw or drink carbonated drinks.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol – it is best not to smoke or drink alcohol within the first week at least 48 hours after the operation.

Don’t blow your nose – if you are experiencing nasal drainage or nasal congestion, this can be a difficult process. For the first 14 days, just wipe your nose gently without blowing it.

Don’t eat foods that are hard to chew – grains, nuts or popcorn are hard to eat after being pulled out, which may damage sensitive tissues. Wait a week or so before adding it back to the menu.

Follow these simple precautions after wisdom tooth extraction, and you should be able to recover well within a few days after surgery.

Can I Wear the Original Retainers after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

The broken retainer is difficult to work because it must be fixed in each tooth and molar. If it is broken, it may not work properly. It’s best to repair it. If it’s broken or damaged, it’s best to ask your dentist for a new retainer.

Retainers are used to repair occlusion and jaw problems, but they also help prevent tooth biting and night grinding problems. Therefore, dentists recommend using it for a few years until we stop grinding our teeth. If the bite problem is not solved, some people have to wear it for life.

If it no longer fits, it means that your teeth have moved to an ideal position. However, it is still recommended that you go to the dentist to find out why it has not been repaired, because there may be many other reasons.

Why do I Have Toothache After Wearing Retainer at Night?

Retainers will put some pressure on your teeth because they need it to maintain your bite. This may cause gum pain. You don’t have to worry, because this is a signal that the retainer is working properly.

If you have just received traditional metal stents or dental appliances for 18 months. On the day you remove the braces, Dr. Kim will give you a fixture (or, in the case of Susie, her plaster) to wear hard next year. If you choose not to wear retainer, your teeth will return to the previous position, and then carry out braces treatment. In order to avoid degradation during treatment, once the braces are removed, your teeth need subsequent reinforcement and structure.

  • Soft tissue needs reinforcement

Your braces have been removed, and your teeth and gums can stand independently. They have become accustomed to constant surrounding pressure, forcing their structures and supporting their positions. Once the crutches are removed, your teeth and gums need to remain stable without the help of braces. In the absence of force, teeth have a natural tendency to return to their natural position. (their natural position is the reason why you first need braces, so you obviously don’t want them to return to their original position!) After pulling out the braces, your teeth and gums are very tender; They are easily affected by stress. Wearing retainers according to regulations can keep teeth and gums in place and support them day and night. This tooth guard will keep you smiling perfectly.

  • Tooth displacement is not in place

Your retainer is designed to correct overcrowding or spacing of teeth. If your teeth are easily spaced, the design of your retainer will ensure that your teeth are firmly fixed together. Finally, after a period of retention, your teeth will stabilize in a compact formation. If your mouth is relatively small and your teeth are prone to overcrowding and overlapping, your retainer will be designed to leave space where necessary. Once the retainer is fully worn, this position will also stabilize.

Similarly, the retainer design will leave space for the growth of wisdom teeth and enough space. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. Since many people have braces during or before this period, the emergence of wisdom teeth must be considered during and after orthodontic treatment. Your retainer will ensure that there is enough space for wisdom teeth to grow normally. Not wearing retainers will lead to crowded teeth and the reappearance of teeth in gaps.

How Long Should I Wear a Retainer?

According to the type of anchor you choose, we will specify a period of time for you to fix the anchor. We provide different types of fixators, including removable fixators and permanent fixators. After removing the braces, the removable fixator will be worn day and night for 2 weeks. After two weeks of full-time wearing, Dr. King will allow you to wear the retainer only at night. Eventually, you will be able to wear retainers several nights a week. As long as you want to keep your teeth in good condition, you will continue to wear retainers like this.

If you have a permanent retainer, it will remain in place to support your lower teeth for the foreseeable future. Some patients choose to remove it after many years, while most patients soon get used to the permanent retainer and choose not to remove it. As long as your permanent retainer remains, your lower teeth will have continuous structural reinforcement, keeping them straight and aligned correctly.