Can You Wear A Tampon With An IUD? All You Want To Know

Can You Wear A Tampon With An Iud All You Want To Know

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First, can you wear a tampon with an IUD? Yes, IUD (intrauterine device) users can use tampons.

The IUD is inserted by being guided through your vagina and cervix and then into the uterus. Unlike a tampon, which is used in the vagina, the IUD remains in the uterus.

For more specific information, keep reading.

What Is An IUD?

An IUD is a small, flexible device, shaped like a “T” that sits inside your uterus. Your IUD device has a string attached to the bottom that your doctor can pull out whenever you’re ready to remove it.

In the United States, there are two different IUD types.

  • Coils made of copper are used to cover this type of IUD. These coils turn spermicidal by changing the chemical composition of the fluid in your uterus. A fertilized egg’s ability to implant in the uterus is also hampered by copper IUDs.

    For those who prefer not to use hormones, this birth control method is a fantastic choice.
  • Hormonal. Some IUDs release progestin hormones, which make the uterine lining flimsy and watery and virtually impossible for a fertilized egg to implant.

    Cervical mucus thickens as a result of hormonal IUD use, making it more challenging for sperm to enter the uterus. Some hormonal IUD users may also stop ovulating as a result of their device.

IUDs, both types, are regarded as permanent methods of contraception. A copper IUD can last up to 10 years, while hormonal IUDs typically last between three and five years. Your doctor must insert both IUDs and remove them.

Benefits Of An IUD

Both the copper and the hormonal IUD have many advantages.

  • Immediately after being implanted, both IUDs start to function. You won’t need to use an additional method of birth control while you wait for the pill to start working, unlike with the pill.
  • When worn properly, IUDs are 99% effective.
  • In contrast to most other birth control methods, using an IUD gives you the freedom to put off thinking about contraception for a longer period of time. You won’t need to rely on other contraceptives being available when you need them, nor will you need to remember to take a pill every day.
  • IUD side effects are extremely minimal. Actually, if you use a copper IUD, you won’t be exposed to hormones, which could cause you to experience side effects.

IUDs are excellent choices for people who are done having children, don’t plan to get pregnant for a while, or who just want a very low maintenance method of birth control.

What Are The Benefits Of An IUD?

Even though an IUD is a fantastic method of birth control, there are a few things to take into account before deciding if it is the right choice for you.

  • It’s long term. Utilizing an IUD might not be the best option for you if you intend to become pregnant or would like to try to become pregnant in the coming years. Find out which options are best by talking to your healthcare provider.
  • IUDs for hormones can cause negative side effects. Similar to the side effects of hormonal birth control pills, the hormonal IUD may cause you to experience them. nausea, headache, bloating, cramping, and tender breasts.
  • IUDs made of copper can also have negative effects. You might experience heavier menstrual flow and more severe cramping while using a copper IUD.
  • You may have irregular bleeding the first few months after having your Once your IUD has been in for a few months, any spotting that you may have usually stops.
  • Your IUD may expel itself or become loose. You might get pregnant if this occurs, though it’s unlikely. It’s also possible that you are unaware that it has moved.

Expulsion is a very unusual occurrence that almost never happens when using tampons. Actually, using a tampon alongside your IUD is safe.

Using Tampons With An IUD

Your IUD will be inserted inside your uterus by your doctor. Your cervix will just be past the strings that are attached to your IUD.

Below the cervix, tampons are inserted into your vagina. As a result, your IUD won’t be affected by using a tampon because it is completely safe inside your uterus.

Tell your provider if you intend to use tampons or a menstrual cup. In order to completely eliminate the possibility that your cup or tampon will interfere with them, they might decide to slightly shorten the IUD’s strings.

After Receiving An IUD, Can Tampons Be Used Right Away?

For the first 24-48 hours following the placement of your IUD, it is advised that you use an alternative method of period care. This is due to a marginally increased risk of uterine and vaginal infection immediately following your IUD insertion.

When your doctor gives you the all-clear to use tampons, you can do so without fear of them affecting your IUD.

Will Using A Tampon Ensure That My IUD Comes Out?

It’s very rare for an IUD to become dislodged or fall out of your uterus, but it can happen. Despite the paucity of studies on the subject, at least one of them demonstrates that the use of tampons and menstrual cups has no impact on the expulsion rates of IUDs.

Tampons and menstrual cups can both be used in conjunction with an IUD.

We advise using a tampon made of 100 percent organic cotton that is free of any chemicals that might affect your hormones or irritate your most delicate areas. IUD users will love Rael’s organic cotton tampons, which also have plant-based applicators.

What Makes An IUD Expire?

There are a few reasons why your IUD may become dislodged or “expelled.”

  • Heavy, painful periods;
  • Not having a baby vaginally;
  • Insertion immediately after vaginal delivery; and
  • IUD that was improperly implanted.

These are rare instances, but because it is possible for your It’s a good idea to make sure the IUD is still in place after each menstrual cycle in case it comes out.

You can easily check to make sure your IUD is in place by following these simple steps:

  1. Clean, then dry your hands.
  2. Squat down in the shower or on the toilet, or sit on the edge of a bed.
  3. Till the ends of the strings that attach to your IUD are visible, place your index or middle finger inside your vagina. You’ll be able to tell your IUD is in place once you can feel them.

It is not necessary to feel both strings in order to confirm the presence of the IUD; as long as you can feel one string, you can be certain the IUD is still in place.

What To Do If Your IUD Comes Out?

You may start to feel anxious if you cannot feel the strings of your IUD. You probably can’t feel them or they are flush against your cervix, which is nothing to be concerned about. Schedule a checkup with your doctor and make an appointment.

The worst-case scenario is for your IUD to come out without you noticing. Despite the rarity of this occurrence, it is crucial to regularly check the status of your IUD.

Immediately call your doctor if your IUD does come out. Use an alternative method of birth control, such as a condom, to prevent pregnancy in the interim.

What Is The Probability Of Being Relocated Or Ejected?

It’s “very rare” for people to report dislodging an Lee points out that an IUD and a tampon.

Also, little research has been done on it.

What’s believed to be the first study

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in this area found no evidence between tampon use and higher rates of early IUD expulsion.

Additional research conducted in 2019 revealed no connection between concurrent tampon use and IUD expulsion.

To fully investigate the potential impacts of period products on IUD implantation, more research is however required.

Of course, other factors can make expulsion more likely, says Lee, including:

  • having heavy, painful periods
  • not having delivered a baby vaginally
  • insertion immediately after a surgical abortion or delivery of a baby
  • the skill of the inserter

How Does This Happen Exactly?

The possibility that tampons can make IUDs move or fall out is not well supported by evidence, either anecdotal or scientific.

However, theoretically, the only way this could take place is if you unintentionally catch the IUD’s strings when removing your tampon.

However, the length of your IUD strings shouldn’t be a problem.

Additionally, since your tampon strings hang outside of your body, you shouldn’t have to reach inside to remove it.

If your tampon isn’t equipped with a string, be careful to only pull on the area of the tampon closest to the vaginal opening.

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Is There Anything You Can Do To Get Ready Before Or After Getting An IUD Inserted?

Your doctor should be informed of any concerns you may have regarding your period before scheduling an appointment for IUD insertion.

For instance, your doctor can assist you in selecting the ideal IUD type for your body.

Hormonal versions frequently lighten or completely stop periods, so you might not need to use some period products at all.

In the event that your uterus is tilted, doctors may also suggest alternative menstrual products.

Tampons can be used with a tilted uterus and are perfectly safe to do so, but some people find them challenging to insert.

Remember to tell the person inserting your IUD which period products you’ll probably be using as well.

“They may recommend trimming the [IUD] strings a bit shorter to reduce the chance of displacement,” Rayner says.

When Is The Right Time To Start Using A Tampon?

In the first few weeks after IUD insertion, “there’s a slight increased risk of vaginal infections,” Rayner says.

Many medical professionals suggest avoiding tampons for the first month to lower the risk of infection.

This could mean that for your first period after getting an IUD, you’ll need to use different products, like pads, depending on when your periods occur.

Lee also notes that “it may be sensible to delay using tampons” until after your IUD check-up appointment.

This is generally recommended 6 weeks after insertion, as “the highest risk of the IUD being expelled is in the first 6 weeks after fitting,” Lee explains.

Can You Wear A Tampon With An Iud All You Want To Know
Can You Wear A Tampon With An Iud? All You Want To Know

Do You Have Any Options To Reduce The Likelihood Of Complications?

You can ensure that your IUD is still in place by confirming that you can still feel the strings after each period.

It’s also a good idea to feel for the strings at various times of the month so you get to know where they are. This is because your cervix can move around throughout your menstrual cycle.

This could be challenging, of course, if your strings have been cut short.

Below, Lee explains how to check the strings are still in place:

  1. your hands, then dry them. Sit comfortably on a chair or bed’s edge after taking off your underwear.
  2. You can locate the cervix by placing your second and third fingers inside your vagina and feeling downward, backward, upward, and around the bend. (It is described as having a hard, rubbery feel similar to the tip of your nose.)
  3. The IUD threads feel like hard, metallic pieces of fishing twine when you feel for them. No matter if you can feel one or two threads, don’t worry about it. That is all you need to know as long as you can feel them and they seem to be the typical length.

Are There Any Warning Signs To Look Out For?

You’ll be able to tell if your IUD has come loose the quickest if you notice it. It might, for instance, drop into the bathroom.

“The worst case scenario is an unnoticed expulsion,” Lee says. “If you’re particularly unlucky, a shockingly positive pregnancy test will be how you learn about it.”

Checking the strings is crucial, so make sure to do so after each period.

(You might even be able to feel the coil extending from the cervix if the entire IUD has become loose.)

“If you’re worried you can’t feel your strings, or you feel [the IUD] may have become dislodged or fallen out, it’s important you get checked to confirm straight away,” Rayner says.

“If you’re using an IUD for contraception and you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, you may need emergency contraception,” she adds. “You run the risk of becoming pregnant unexpectedly if it is not in situ or placed properly.”

Until your IUD has been examined by a medical professional, you should also use a different method of contraception.

Try not to freak out if the aforementioned occurs.

“Most often, the threads will be there,” Lee says. “It’s possible that they are flush with the surface and tucked themselves around the cervix, making them difficult to feel.”

According to Lee, “if the threads can’t be found, [the doctor] will send you for an ultrasound scan to see if the coil is in the uterine cavity.”

But, she says, “if this is the case, the IUD can be left in place until it’s time to remove it.”

In rare cases, Lee continues, “absent coil threads mean the An IUD that has perforated has entered the pelvic cavity after breaking through the uterine wall. The only way to get rid of it is through a laparoscopy, also known as keyhole surgery.”

Are There Any Different Options To Think About?

There are many other period products available on the market if using tampons makes you uncomfortable.

Menstrual cups and discs may be more comfortable for some people than conventional tampons.

However, a recent study did discover a potential connection between the use of menstrual cups and IUD expulsion.

Therefore, the only “risk-free” products are ones that don’t require insertion, such as pads and period underwear.

The Bottom Line

Like next-door neighbors, tampons and IUDs are similar. Despite being close, they reside in different regions of the reproductive system. The cervix separates an IUD and a tampon, keeping them out of each other’s way.

As long as you are careful not to pull on the IUD strings—which shouldn’t be a problem since the strings of an IUD should be up near your cervix and the strings of a tampon should be outside of your vagina—you should be fine.

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